Selected Book Detail

Aquaculture Engineering: Basic Manual by Meenakshisundaram, Menaga & Sugantham Felix

ISBN: 9789359192055
Binding: Hard Bound
Biblio: viii+230p., tabls., figs., col., ind 25 cm
Weight: 0 gms
Pages: 238
Imprint: Daya Publishing House
Year: 2024
Price : Rs 0.00
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About the Book
This textbook gives a fresh approach to an introductory course in Aquaculture Engineering. Its unique feature is based on the collation of the existing books to provide ready to read content for the easy understanding of the students. The authors' primary goal is to teach the aspiring aquaculture student all fundamental tools needed to understand, analyse and design a wide range of practical engineering applications including aeration, filtration, pond designs in aquaculture systems. Their secondary goal is to provide a comprehensive reference, for both undergraduate and post graduate students as well as practicing engineers. Inclusion of multiple choice questions for the chapters covered also adds extra strength for the readers to test their understanding in the subject. The text contains a wide variety of information from various sources and acclaimed authors Menaga Meenakshisundaram and Sugantham Felix incorporate a dynamic combination of engineering expertise and aquaculture core concepts to make the real time examples for the practical applications for students.